• Students should not bring valuable articles like watches, ornaments, expensive pens or excessive money to the school.
  • Students should not litter the school premises or cause any damage to school property, walls or furniture. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against such offenders. Any such act will be punishable & recovery of the cost will be taken.


  • Students will be held accountable for disobedience and disrespect to the members of the staff.
  • Any student who is late for the class three times will receive one detention on the third recorded late.
  • Any student found loitering in the school will receive one detention.
  • Non-co-operation with teachers and peers.
  • Shortage of attendance (As prescribed by C. B.S. E. Board).
  • Examination cheating.


  • A student who refuses to show a school ID when required by school personnel will be assigned detention.
  • Electronic gadgets like CDs, i-pods, headphones & mobile phones are strictly banned on the school campus. If found, it will be confiscated.
  • Lending & borrowing money, selling/buying any articles & collecting any subscription or donation is not allowed.
  • Shouting, whistling, bullying and using abusive language is strictly forbidden.
  • Firing crackers and splashing colours in the school premises is gross misconduct. Indulgence in these activities will result in the student’s expulsion from the school.
  • Non-payment of school dues.
  • Violation of rules and regulations of the school.
  • Inappropriate or irresponsible behaviour.
  • Repeated detention in the same class.
  • Threatening of the goodwill of the school.
  • Any unprescribed medical related item.


  • Students must be punctual, Once the gate is closed, entry will not be permitted.
  • School uniform is compulsory on all school days and at school functions.
  • Students must wear their school uniform. Students should come to school neat & tidy with trim hair-do, Nails must be clipped short. Use of Mehendi, hair gel, make-up, nail polish is not permitted.
  • It is compulsory to bring The Adhyyan Diary & the Identity Card daily.
  • Parents must attend PTM. Failure to attend these meetings will compel the school authorities to conclude that parents are not interested in their ward’s development.
  • Students suffering from infectious/ contagious diseases shall, under no circumstance be permitted to attend school until full recovery. They should submit a fitness certificate from the doctor.
  • The school or any member of its staff shall not be held responsible wholly or partly, for any mishap, accident or injury which, in spite of precautions taken by the school, might befall or be suffered by a student during the period of his/her stay in the school or during any educational tour, excursion or camp, arranged by the school
  • Birthday celebrations are strictly prohibited on the school premises. No distribution of sweets and stationery is allowed on Birthdays. Students will only wear school uniform and no casual dress on Birthdays.