By using The Adhyyan School’s website for online fee payment, you agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions. Please read these terms carefully.

1. Payment
All payments made on The Adhyyan School’s website are processed securely. You are responsible for ensuring that the payment information provided is accurate and that there are sufficient funds or credit for the transaction.

2. Fee Structure
The fee structure is determined by The Adhyyan School and is uploaded on the school’s website.

3. Liability
The Adhyyan School is not liable for any technical issues, server downtime, or disruptions that may prevent the successful completion of an online payment. Parents are encouraged to confirm payment status after each transaction.

4. Compliance
By using our website for payments, parents agree to comply with all applicable laws, including those related to data protection and financial transactions.

5. Changes to Terms
The school reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time. Such changes will be effective upon posting on the website.