Our mission is to provide our children (students) information that is honest, thorough and balanced.

Our Philosophy

“Make a friend” philosophy “the best thing our teacher do is to empathize with the kids, just say they are going to be there for them if they ever need anybody to talk to. .. so if they just tell them they are going to be there for them.”

Our Commitment

The positive school environment at The Adhyyan School enhances motivation, increases educational aspirations and improves attendance and retention.

Our Promise

TAS aims at enriching the lives of its students, their families and community through dedication to principles of Learning, Discipline, Service and Education with Values.

TAS aims to build and nurture a community of thinking, compassionate world citizens, who are committed to living with responsibility, learning with enthusiasm and balancing a strong work ethos with a sense of play.

The Adhyyan School
Foundation of Human Potential

The Adhyyan School

Creating an everlasting foundation..

All our efforts at The Adhyyan School aim to evolve our students’ into better professionals and even better human beings. The Adhyyan School has been built on a solid foundation of traditional values and blessings from the elders. The school is a vision of Shri Ram Niwas Ji who founded the R.S.Educational Society intending to provide quality education to children in a student-friendly ambience.

If you prefer to study in your own time and at your speed then one of our e-learning packages may be right up your street. There is a third option, which is you like the sound of both but perhaps can’t attend all training sessions, this is when blended learning comes into its own. The Adhyyan School is devoted to excellence in teaching, education, research, and developing leaders in many disciplines who make a difference.to make it the Best CBSE School in Meerut

  • To Identify and fulfil the academic, cultural, sporting and social potential of students through multiple paths to learning;
  • To enable the students to Acquire habits of curiosity, reflection, mental flexibility, independence and self-discipline;
  • To shape People, not profits – education is a right, not a privilege